Hydro Blu
Prof. Randhir Rawatlal Joash Kisten
United Nations Development Programme and Water Research Commission
In response to the 2020 UNDP and WRC Innovator call for applications, the company was invited to pitch and present to representatives from the United Nations Development Programme and the Water Research Commission of Southern Africa. The objective of the call was to review South African innovation projects that have the potential to increase access to drinkable water during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The review panel consisted of fifteen representatives who expertly critiqued the project and advised on potential spin-off components for development to increase impact. Hydro Blu won the 1st prize and received R 650 000 in prize money.
Hydro Blu also participated in the SpaceTech Competition which was hosted by the South African National Space Agency to identify promising innovations that use Satellite Imagery Analysis to address real-world challenges. In the final round, the top 10 innovators form across Africa presented to a panel of judges consisting of Finance, Business, and spatial GIS experts. The innovation by Hydro Blu was placed first in the competition which resulted in access to satellite imagery from Maxmar to the value of R 1.2 Million. Hydro Blu also won free business mentorship form Tech Tribe and was linked to companies in the East and Central African regions for testing.